 Radiology
 In House Laboratory
 Outside Laboratory
 In House Pharmacy
 Skin Cytology
 Biopsy
 Ear Cytology
 Urinalysis
 Fecal Floatation
 Junior and Senior Bloodwork
 Electrocardiography (ECG)
 Ultrasound

Below are short descriptions of the most common laboratory tests performed at our hospital:
Complete Blood Count
Complete blood count measures the number of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets in a sample of blood. The numbers of each type of cell provides information to help diagnose anemia, infections and leukemia. If your pet is undergoing treatment for a condition, a complete blood count can help your veterinarian monitor how your pet is responding to the treatment.
Blood Chemistry Panel
A blood chemistry panel measures electrolytes, enzymes and chemical elements of your pet’s blood. Included in a chemistry profile are important components such as calcium and phosphorous levels, liver enzymes, glucose and total protein. These measurements help your veterinarian determine how your pet’s organs, such as kidneys, pancreas and liver, are functioning. Blood chemistry panels help diagnose and treat illness, as well as monitor your pet’s response to treatment. A blood chemistry panel is usually performed to screen for potential problems and risks before anesthesia is administered.
Fecal Examination (Fecal)
We examine your pet’s feces under a microscope for clues about many different kinds of diseases, including difficulties with digestion, internal bleeding and pancreas disorders. Most importantly, a fecal examination confirms the presence of intestinal parasites, including roundworm, hookworm, whipworm, tapeworm, giardia, and coccidia. A fecal examination is part of your pet’s complete wellness examination.
Urinalysis (UA)
Laboratory testing of your pet’s urine can help detect the presence of specific substances that normally do not appear in urine, including protein, sugar, white blood cells or blood. Measuring the dilution or concentration of urine can also help your veterinarian diagnose illness. Urinalysis can be helpful in diagnosing urinary tract infections, diabetes, dehydration, kidney problems and other medical conditions.
Serum Chemistry
A serum chemistry profile is a panel of tests that provides a broad picture of your pet’s general health. The results will confirm abnormalities found during a physical exam and will also indicate any problems that might otherwise go undetected. The blood chemistry values measured include calcium, glucose, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chloride, cholesterol, triglycerides, and total protein. A 12-hour fast is generally recommended prior to testing to assure the most accurate results.